Krav Maga

Children and Martial Arts: What Parents Need to Know

Enrolling children in martial arts can be highly beneficial, offering physical exercise, self-discipline, respect for others, and self-defense skills. However, it’s important for parents to carefully select a reputable martial arts school with experienced instructors who prioritize safety and age-appropriate training methods. Read on to learn more about this topic.

Krav Maga Self Defense Scenarios

The techniques used in Krav Maga are based on simplicity and efficiency – designed to be used quickly and instinctively so individuals can defend themselves as quickly as possible. It has become popular with police forces, military personnel, and civilians alike because it provides an effective way of defending yourself in a variety of situations. Read on to learn more about Krav Maga scenario training.

Injury Prevention and Recovery for Martial Artists

Whether you’re an experienced martial artist or just beginning an exercise program, injuries can happen. There are several tried-and-true injury prevention tips you can use to reduce your injury risk. Read on to learn more about how you can prevent or treat injury so you can maximize training time!

Krav Maga in Action Films

Martial arts action films are some of the highest grossing films in production. We all like these films for various reasons: the hero overcomes unbeatable odds, justice is served, or maybe they are just simply fun to watch! Regardless of your own personal reasons, or which action films in particular you prefer, “realism” in this genre is what makes them so interesting (in my opinion). This blog post is all about Krav Maga in action films.

Kickin’ It! A Cross-Style Comparison

This blog post touches briefly on the “universal” kicks found in the 4 empty hand courses at GMAU. More time is spent on highlighting unique aspects and differences between: Karate, Muay Thai, Taekwondo and Krav Maga. Read on to learn more and find out how you can try out our courses for FREE!

Ground Fighting in Krav Maga

In self-defense, knowing effective techniques for neutralizing and overcoming an attacker is significantly important. In fighting, grappling is a set of skills focusing on controlling an opponent via techniques and strategies used in close quarters. Grappling has garnered a lot of attention in recent years through the UFC and because of the popularity of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Krav Maga is a system that has been influenced by multiple combative arts and includes grappling. However, the focus of grappling in Krav Maga is on avoid ground fighting if possible and on getting back to the feet when in that situation. Read on to learn more about ground fighting in Krav Maga.