Ultimate Bo

Children and Martial Arts: What Parents Need to Know

Enrolling children in martial arts can be highly beneficial, offering physical exercise, self-discipline, respect for others, and self-defense skills. However, it’s important for parents to carefully select a reputable martial arts school with experienced instructors who prioritize safety and age-appropriate training methods. Read on to learn more about this topic.

Bojutsu in Samurai Warfare

Samurai were skilled in a variety of combat techniques, each designed to be lethal in battle: kenjutsu (swordsmanship), jujutsu (close-quarters combat), jyujutsu (archery), sojutsu (spear fighting), naginatajutsu (a blad attached to the end of a pole), and bojustu (the wooden staff). This blog post focuses on samurai and bojutsu.

Eiku in the Ultimate Bo Course

Okinawans call the oar an eiku (or eku). The eiku has point at the tip of the paddle, a curve on one side, and a ridge on the one side. This weapon can be used in a similar way as a bo (staff). And a user fighting on the beach would throw sand at his opponent because of its unique shape. GMAU does not have an Eiku course, but eiku techniques and lessons are included in higher black chevron lessons of the Ultimate Bo course. Read on to learn more about the eiku!

Martial Arts Weapon: The Staff

The bo, or staff, is one of the most iconic and important weapons in martial arts. The staff has aided mankind throughout history. In many countries, stories have been interwoven into their cultures, handed down over centuries through folklore and tales of triumphant warriors and this multipurpose implement. Read on to learn more about the staff in martial arts cultures from around the world!

Kobudo: Okinawan Weapon Arts

Okinawan Kobudo is a traditional martial art from Okinawa, Japan, that focuses on using various weapons for self-defense. “Kobudo” translates to “ancient martial way,” and it encompasses the practice and techniques of weapons such as the bo, sai, tonfa, nunchaku, kama, and other lesser known weapons. Read on to learn more about Okinawan Kobudo!