
The 3 Ks of Karate: Kihon, Kata, Kumite

The “3 Ks” in karate are often referred to as Kihon (basics), Kata (forms), and Kumite (sparring). Together, they represent the foundation of traditional karate training. Read on to learn more about the 3 Ks and the GMAU Shotokan Karate course!

The Complete Beginner’s Guide to Shotokan Karate

By Sensei Jon Hodge Shotokan Karate is a dynamic martial art style created by the late, great Gichin Funakoshi. The style is characterized by highly concentrated striking, forthright blocking, powerful stances, and a series of captivating kata.Shotokan is a form of self defense that’s built like a strong house – first a formidable foundation is molded …

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